Death Battle Fanon Wiki

Welcome to Death Battle Fanon Wiki
Where you can show the combatants and battles that you want in Death Battle!

Death Battle Fanon Front Page


One Year Anniversary

Technically the celebration of the second year of the DBF's conception, this and the following anniversary celebrated the refounding done by the former founder Nkstjoa and some of the following elder Admins that first shaped the Wiki.

Two Year Anniversary

Technically the celebration of the third year of DBF's conception, it follows the same idea as the previous celebration. Some celebrated the Admins of the time both new and old, while some celebrated the users in general. 2016 wasn't the kindest year to the wiki, but it also brought many people together among the various hardships that went on during that year.

Third/Fourth Year Anniversary

This celebration in 2017 celebrates the fourth year as it was first conceived by the original founder on August 17th, 2013, before leaving and having it refound by the first refounders and former Admins (which in that calendar would be celebrating the third anniversary). Though the wiki is now mainly run by another person, the Wiki continues to expand and celebrate its long lifespan to this day. Many people celebrated and contributed to the anniversary this year, and for that we are grateful to still be a standing community after all these years.


For fans of Death Battle, there is at least one battle that they'd love to see, but even Death Battle can't cover all of them. Here, whether it has a high chance of happening or not, you can show just how you'd imagine them to be.

For information about Death Battle click here!


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Create a Page

Want to create a new combatant page or make a new Death Battle? Then please follow the page formatting guidelines.

On mobile and want to add a battle or a combatant? Click below:

Note: PLEASE check to see if the character or Death Battle you want to see is already on the Wiki before creating a new page. This helps prevent duplicate pages.

Community Polls

Polls done for fun, and are to be updated after ever official Death Battle episode. Some choices in the polls lead to a poll related to the most voted choice. For example, if Dragon Ball was voted for "Should Return in an Official Death Battle" then a poll asking which Dragon Ball character should be in an official Death Battle will be created next time.

Cast your vote for this Wiki's best What-If? Death Battle's here